Our Story.
Part 1: The Brain Aneurysm
We got pregnant with Henry in 2018 and had a relatively uncomplicated pregnancy besides extreme morning sickness that lasted most of the pregnancy.
However, about a few weeks before I was due, I found out that the brain aneurysm I had might have grown and it was best that I have a c-section.
I gave birth to Henry on January 31, 2019 and all was well.
6 months later I had an angiogram to take a further look at the aneurysm, and the neurosurgeon determined that it was best that I have surgery to put a stent in it.
In December of 2019, I had a successful, uncomplicated surgery (science is amazing!). They didn't even have to cut my head open. They went through my groin all the way to my head!
While I was recovering, I got to witness Henry's first steps. A true blessing!
But because of the aneurysm and the medicine I was taking, the doctors warned me that I couldn't get pregnant again...at least not until they gave us the go ahead.
Finally, in June 2021 I was cleared after my latest angiogram procedure!
Part 2: Infertility
Because we had no complications getting pregnant with Henry, we thought we would have no problem a second time around. However, month after month, we were left disappointed.
We met with a fertility specialist and after months meeting with him, being on medicines, and having procedures, he gave us the dire news.
We weren't able to get pregnant on our own. We had considered IUI, but the doctor said that wouldn't work.
Part 3: Choosing Adoption and Unexpected Tragedy
During our time of infertility, we really started to discern adoption. After our latest fertility results, we felt like adoption is what we wanted to do and God was calling us toward it.
We made the official decision in early March 2023 and were filled with a deep sense of peace!
But then in August 2023 my sweet mom passed away unexpectedly and much too young. We delayed going active with our adoption for two months while we intensely grieved. While we still are grieving, we are continuing with this adoption in her honor and continue to rely on the faith that she bestowed on us.
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